Monday, July 17, 2006

Meanwhile, back at actual knitting

For some reason known only to the server, the pictures of my scarves never appeared on yesterday's post.

Here is the Woolease clapoti:

Big enough to be used as a comfy shawl and, really, too cool for words. This pattern is really, really fantastic, easy to memorize

I liked doing it so much that I pulled some lace-weight merino out of my stash, got a size 2 circular needle, and started another one:

Finished this one in the hospital, and it is an actual scarf size! Lovely, lovely, lovely. However I doubt I will make this again. The center (i.e. straight) section is a real drag the second time around.

Current project is a fair isle vest for my DH. The pattern and yarn come from Knitpicks, an excellent value, BUT be warned that there are a couple of really significant mistakes in the published pattern, so a trip to the website errata is really important. Naturally it takes me 2 rip-out sessions to make this discovery, but things are now on track and progressing nicely.