Saturday, June 23, 2007

Shapely Tank

The Shapely Tank is all finished. It still needs a little blocking, but it is done and fits like it was made for me. Great pattern. So great that I have cast on another one, in a cotton blend.

When it comes to contests and/or knit-alongs, I am a day late and a dollar short. Usually miss them by a mile (or am not at all interested in the item-along). But I stumbled on the Yarn Miracle website and saw a button for Dish Rag Tag. Perfect for me. I love dishrags. I knit them all the time. Limited to 200 participants, this group is now closed, but it should be a blast.

Finally, a touch of summer in the persons of DH and DD2.


Steffaroni said...

Hi there, I am on your Dishrag Tag Team and am enjoying looking at all the member's blogs. Your shapely tank looks wonderful, I've actually wondered if I could do it with microspun (have some purple) so may give it a shot now.

Jeannie said...

Hi there, thanks for the visit and nice to meet you. I made one 2 years ago out of Microspun and it has held up quite well. Microspun has a really nice hand for this pattern.

Anonymous said...

So when are you going to model it for us on a Wednesday night? Of course, I should talk because my attendance has been so spotty lately. I might have to break down and make one too.

Dish Rag Tag, huh? Sounds like a lot of fun.

Jeannie said...

Yes, make one. I'ss give you some pointers in case you (like I) want to avoid the dread side seams. God knows when I'll get to Borders. I really miss it (knitting AND convivial company). Every Wed is a new adventure around here. Yeah, the DRTAG is going to be fun.